Magical Meadow of Memories

January has been an utter whirlwind! It seems that no sooner had I opened my new 2016 calendar, it was already time to turn the page to February. I’ve been extremely busy painting and creating new love-filled flowerscapes for you to enjoy, and I have lots of exciting events and projects lined up for the year ahead already which I can’t wait to share with you all.

Meadow of Memories

At the end of last year I was deeply honoured to be asked to donate one of my paintings to The Rowcroft Hospice, a charity which is very close to my own heart. I lost both my best friend and my father to cancer and the support of Rowcroft during these deeply challenging times was completely amazing. They really are a remarkable charity and it is humbling to witness the kindness and dedication of so many people involved. This includes my very lovely mum now volunteers for there shop here in Totnes!

Rowcroft is the sole provider of adult hospice care in South Devon. It is a registered charity and relies on the generosity of the public to provide its vital services to those living with progressive, life-limiting illnesses. The hospice cares for patients with a wide range of illnesses including cancer, lung disease, heart disease, and neurological conditions. Within the hospice grounds in Rowcroft’s arboretum is the most stunning wildflower meadow called ‘The Meadow of Memories’. It is a beautiful, spiritual and tranquil place to celebrate the lives of loved ones and where relatives and friends can come to just sit and remember, and to lose themselves in the beauty of nature.

I painted the image as a metaphorical place to plant seeds of love and hope; it speaks of the joy, tenderness and profound peace of nature. Thank you to Rowcroft for giving me the opportunity to be a small part of such a hugely important charity. I sincerely hope that this offering of one of my glitter flower paintings can shine a glimmer of hope and light into the lives of those affected with life-limiting illnesses and their families and bring some small comfort.

Birmingham Spring Fair

At the moment we are busy putting the final touches to our plans for the Birmingham NEC Spring Trade Fair which starts on the 7th February. The Spring Fair is the UK’s definitive destination for the home and gift industry to come together and do business, amongst the most achingly wantable new products out there. I am ecstatic to be a part of the creative throng which makes up this popular event, and can’t wait to showcase my brand new collection of cushions to the buyers and industry insiders who help to oil the cogs of creative commerce. But more on the fine art cushions later!

Wishing you blessings and love, as always

Yvonne xx