Celebrating Devon’s Kaleidoscope Blankets In Painting

Gentle May has given way to June and the countryside has rolled out her rugs. The lanes are trilling and bursting, grasses reaching high and the white of May hands over to pink and blues.

As the longest day of the year approaches, signalling officially the start of the summer season my inspiration spikes. As a Devon artist summer is my muse’s wildest dream and though the changing seasons are a constant source of inspiration, there’s one time of year that holds a particular magic – the summer solstice. Marking the peak of sunlight hours in the northern hemisphere, imbued with ancient traditions and bursting with abundant light. It’s a time when the natural world feels energised, the days are alive with possibility, and the golden light bathes the landscape in a warm glow.

All this lasting light is the essence of this season’s optimism, that tipping point from spring to summer, albeit fleeting, is something we hold onto all year. The hedgerows are a riot of tumbling blooms, fragrant sways of fox gloves, pink campions and greater stitchwort. Amidst some turmoil in the world, this soft bountiful time of year can gently teach us to recognise the love, joy and hope that is everywhere.

It has been a busy time and it was so sweet to meet many of you at my open studios over May. Now as the busy spring flows into heady summer, it’s a time to acknowledge the power of the sun and the changing rhythms of nature. In much of my work, the sun takes centre stage. My studio becomes a haven of creative alchemy at this time of year, where pigments transform into tangible joy. As the countryside swells in rapid growth, the air thrums with perfume and each day is an invitation to harness its magic. This isn’t just about capturing the scene, it’s about translating the feeling. That first warm sun on the skin, the chorus of blackbirds and swifts, the long golden evenings and field meadows awash in purple grasses.

The summer solstice on the 20th of June is steeped in cultural significance and is a time to appreciate the natural world and the cycles of life. It’s definitely influencing my latest creations! My new collection is particularly focused on capturing the light, joy and energy of the season. With the generous rains of spring and the cooler sunshine, the woodlands and coast are erupting in great green blooms. Gaggles of Ox Eye daisies waltz with the noble ferns and there is now not a bare branch in sight.

With the evident unrest in the world, I ground myself in the effortless optimism that summer brings, a sense of endless possibility. Cultivating the feeling of being utterly present, every sense alive to the beauty that surrounds us. These summer months are where my art truly flourishes.

This summer season is a gift, an opportunity to reconnect with nature, and let creativity thrive. Through my art, I want to share a taste of this magic with you, a reminder to embrace the sunshine and all the joy it brings. Through painting, I want to share the magical transformative power of light and love. To offer bright sparkling beacons of hope for all of your beautiful hearts. Thank you all for being on this journey with me, it means the world.